Education Definition and Characteristics of Constitutional State Definition and Characteristics of Constitutional State Many experts have explained about the definition of constitutional state, the followi... Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Education Sovereignty Theory There are four theories that explain about kinds of sovereignty; Theory of God Sovereignty (Theocracy), Theory of People Sovereignty (Democr... April 28, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Education Forms and the Origin of State State can be seen as an association of human living and cooperating to pursue some common goals. It can be said that the ultimate goal of ev... Sunday, April 26, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Education Functions and Natures of State State functions are as follows: 1. Defense and Security State shall protect the state elements (people, territory, and government) from all ... April 26, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Education Definition and Elements of State Definition of State According to some Experts According to Prof. Sumantri , state is an organization of power. Therefore, in every country,... Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Education Factors Influencing Attitude An attitude is not automatically realized in an action. For the realization of attitude to become a real act, it is required supporting fact... Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Produktivitas Tips dan Trik Tool Aplikasi Android Gratis untuk Jualan Online Aplikasi Android Gratis untuk Jualan Online - Sekarang kan udah mulai marak jualan online, entah itu lapak sendiri maupun lapak orang. Nah u... April 21, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Pendidikan Cara Mengukur Motivasi Ada beberapa cara untuk mengukur motivasi menurut Notoatmodjo (2005) yaitu : 1. Tes Proyektif Salah satu teknik proyektif yang banyak dikena... Monday, April 20, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Management Definition and Purposes of Work Motivation Flipo (1984) theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in achieving wishes of the employees in o... April 20, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Promosi Kesehatan Definisi Perilaku Kesehatan Pengertian Perilaku Kesehatan (Notoatmodjo, 2005) adalah respons seseorang terhadap stimulus atau objek yang berkaitan dengan sehat-sakit, ... April 20, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Dental Health Definition and Causes of Halitosis Breath odor or bad breath (halitosis) is a term used to describe a bad odor coming out of the mouth while exhaling, both when speaking and ... Sunday, April 19, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Promosi Kesehatan Pentingnya Kesehatan Bagi Kita Sehat adalah kondisi tubuh yang bebas dari sakit, bebas dari stress sehingga mampu menjalankan aktivitas dengan optimal dan mampu berpikir d... April 19, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Medical Definition and Pathophysiology of Shock Shock is a syndrome of perfusion and cell oxygenation disruptions thoroughly so that tissue metabolic needs are not met. With the disruptio... Friday, April 17, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Medical Oral Lesions Lesion is a term that indicates the state of abnormal body tissues. It can occur due to disease process either caused by infection, metabol... Thursday, April 16, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Dental Health Forms of Dental Topical Anesthetic Forms of Dental Topical Anesthetic: 1. Spray Form It contains certain local anesthetic agents that may be used for this purpose because of ... Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Management Definition and Purposes of Work Motivation Flipo (1984) theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in achieving wishes of the employees in ... April 15, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Medical Wound Healing Phases Definition of wound is partially lost or damaged body tissue. Causes of Wound: trauma of sharp or blunt objects, temperature changes, chem... Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Dental Health Approaches in Dental Health Education Approaches in Dental Health Education are divided into four (4): 1. Persuasively Approach The goal of this approach is making sustainable b... April 14, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Dental Health How to Maintain Healthy Teeth How important the role of mouth for us, it can give pleasure and be a source of unpleasant. Have you ever felt pain of toothache? Dental and... April 14, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Tempat Wisata Goa Kreo Semarang Sudah lama saya tinggal di Semarang, tapi belum pernah datang ke Tempat Wisata Goa Kreo . Karena yang dibenakku tempat yang terkenal dengan ... April 14, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Medical Definition, Purpose and Mechanism of Inflammation Inflammation is a complex reaction that begins to occur in the blood vessels in response to injury or wound, followed by accumulation of fl... Monday, April 13, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Management Definition and Types of Small Business Small Business is a pillar of the economy of a country. For example, in United State, more than 80% of the business is small business. John... April 13, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Management Tips for Starting a New Business An entrepreneur must have a thorough plan of planning in order to avoid a failure to execute new business. The plan includes: What business ... Sunday, April 12, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Health Definition of Doping and Reasons for Using Doping In Athlete Doping is provision / use by competitors, such as material that is foreign to the organism through any way or physiological material in abn... Saturday, April 11, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Law Definition and Aspects of Health Law The definition of health law is all legal provisions that are directly related to health care and the application. It concerns to the right... April 11, 2015 Add Comment Edit
Tips dan Trik Tips Menyusun War Base di Clash of Clans Buat kamu yang suka main CoC dan baru mulai, bisa baca artikel tentang tips dan trik main coc untuk pemula. Sedangkan buat kamu yang sudah j... Friday, April 10, 2015 Add Comment Edit