
Functions and Natures of State

State functions are as follows:
1. Defense and Security
State shall protect the state elements (people, territory, and government) from all threats, obstacles, and interference, and other challenges that come from internal or external.
state of indonesia
2. Justice
State must be fair in law without any discrimination or particular interests. For example: A person who performs a criminal must be punished regardless of position and title.
3. Regulation and Justice
State takes all legislation to implement the policy with solid foundation to form the order of society, nation and state 
4. Welfare and Prosperity
State can explore the natural resources owned to improve people's life to be more prosperous and wealthy.

Natures of State
1. Coercive
State can impose the will by law or rule. State has power to force so that people are submissive and obedient to the state without no physical coercion.
The state right is legal in order to create an orderly society and no anarchy. Physical coercion can be made to proprietary.
2. Monopolistic
State sets common goals in the community. State can master things, such as important resource for people interests. State overcomes individual and group understanding.
3. Totality nature
Everything without exception becomes the authority of state.

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