Definition and Function of Norm
Definition of Norm
Norms are rules that are equipped with sanctions for those who break them. Or it can be said as a set of order both written and unwritten that are applicable, and as the daily guideline in society. In the implementation, the norms are applied in all areas of life, such as art, religion, customs, and education.
Functions of Norm
The functions of norm in society according to Selosoemardjan are as follows:
a. as life guideline applied to all citizens
b. Binding every member of society resulting in sanctions to the members who breakit.
In society,the existing normshave different forcing power. There are norms that have weak, middle, or strong binding. Generally, community members do not brave to break the norms that have strong binding. To be able to differentiate the strength of binding norms, it is known four definition of norm:
a. Usage
Usage refers to a form of action. This norm has very weakbinding power compared tofolkways. usageis more prominent in the individualrelationship. A deviation of usage will not result in hard punishment, but only reproach.
b. Folkways
Folkways have higher binding power than usage. Folkwaysare defined as acts that are repeated in the same form because people like such actions. For example, habit of honoring older people
c. Mores
If folkway is not merely as a way of behavior, but it is accepted as the governing norm then the habit becomes mores. Mores reflect natures existing of human groups and implemented as a supervisory tool. Mores, on the one hand, force an action. On the other hand, it is as the prohibition thus directly it becomes a tool to make the community members to adapt theirbehavior with mores.
d. Custom
Community mores that integrate strongly with good behavior patterns can be increased to customs. Members of the community who break the customs will get tough sanctions.
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