
Types of Health Research

Types of Health Research
Grouping of health research types is many kinds. It depends on the method used. Based on the method, health research can be classified into two groups:
1. Survey research method
In survey research, the results are the whole results although it is not carried out to the entire population, but only a sample. Results of the sample can be generalized as results of population. This method is classified into two parts, descriptive and analytic.
a. Descriptive Survey
In a descriptive survey, research is directed to describe a situation in one community. Such as the distribution of disease, the distribution of gender or other characteristics.
b. Analytical Survey
In analytical survey, research is directed to explain a situation. Analytic is basically used to answer the question why. Analytical survey is divided into three:
1) Cross-sectional
In a cross sectional study, data collection both dependent and independent variables and influence factors are collected at the same time.
2) Retrospective study
This study examines the phenomenon in the past. Data collection is started from the effects or consequences that have occurred and seen whether there is a connection with the past, for example, when looking for the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Then it started by searching for data on cases of lung cancer patients and they are questioned about smoking history in the past.
3) Prospective study
This study examines the phenomenon in the future, starting by looking at the variable causes and seen the effects in the future. For example, to see the relationship between alcohol and liver Chirosis, it is started by collecting the data of alcohol users and then forwarded to the next observation, whether the users are positive in liver Chirosis or not.
2. Experimental research method
Researchers conduct experimental research in respondents and measure the effect or influence. Treatment can be either deliberate or controlled. For example, research on the effects of music therapy on anxiety level of patients who will do the surgery.

health research

However, when viewed in terms of the benefit, the health research can be classified into:
1. Basic research (basic of fundamental research)
This research is conducted to understand the symptoms that appear in an issue. Then the symptoms are analyzed and the conclusion becomes a new theory or knowledge.
2. Applied research
This study is conducted to repair or modify the system or the existing program. The study is conducted by applying a new system or method but still trial.
3. Action Research
This research is conducted to find a practical knowledge base in order to improve the situation in a community. The research is usually conducted which the problem solving needs to be done e.g. action research to improve transmigration public health.
4. Evaluation Research 
The research is conducted to assess the implementation of a program in order to seek feedback, for example, examining the level of patient satisfaction in hospitals after applying the concept of primary nursing.

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