
Behavior in Group

Behavior in Group 
In social life, for example in a community, in the office, at school we certainly will form or be involved in a group, therefore we must be good at selecting groups aiming positive and beneficial for the development of ourselves, lest we join a group that has negative effect on ourselves. 
Group behavior is response of the group members to the groupsocial structure and the norms adopted.
Collective behavior is a person's action at the same time, place, and behave. 
Which is better, group performance or individual performance? The question often arises because there is the adage that says "two heads are better than which done by an individual". The adage is true in some cases, because the group allows people to exchange information and opinions. 
Interaction within the group can generate ideas and new solutions. The group has extensive knowledge and greater probability that a person in the group will have specific knowledge relevant to the group issue. However, a group also does not always produce a better decision. Not everyone in the group contributes simultaneously, but the individual must wait their turn. Turn result in expressing the opinion, among the group members often have production blocking, distraught or loss of motivation to participate (lazy). Individuals sometimes do not want to share (sharing) in providing the information. 
Although the performance of agroup is often better than the average performance of individuals, performance is often below standard of individuals, especially when members of the group generally have relatively weak ability. In the group, it also canoccur social impact (Latane&Nida, 1981) that is a classification of members in a group. Ifthe group is major, the decision-making will be very effective. If the group is minor, then often people experience disappointment, because they feel disregarded.

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