Definition of Liability
Definition of Liability
In the legal sense, responsibility means "attachment". Every human being, from the time of birth until the time of death have rights and obligations are referred to as legal subjects. Likewise, health workers, in performing an act, shall be liable as legal subjects bearers of rights and obligations.
Actions or deeds of health workers as legal subjects in the association community, can distinguish between everyday actions that are not related to the profession, and actions related to the implementation of the profession.
Similarly, the legal responsibility of a health worker, can not be related to the profession, and it can also be a liability relating to the implementation of the profession.Health personnel actions related to the implementation of the profession in other words as a Dental Nurse citizens who may pose legal liability, among others: married, committed purchase agreement, make a will, steal, cheat, abuse and so forth. Health personnel actions related to the implementation of this profession, in general, can also be done by anyone other than health workers.
In carrying out its legal obligations, the necessary compliance and the seriousness of the health personnel in carrying out duties as bearers of the profession. Owned legal awareness of health workers should play a role within the health workers to be able to control himself so as not to make mistakes profession, in order to avoid the sanctions provided by law.
Reference: Anny Isfandyarie, 2006, Tanggung Jawab Hukum dan Sanksi Bagi Dokter Buku 1, Prestasi Pustaka,Jakarta
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